Steering column stalks compatibility

Danton J.A. Cardoso djacardoso at
Wed Mar 21 08:26:34 PDT 2012

Gives new meaning to the label, 'shadetree mechanic.' Where did you mount the panel?

Danton J. A. Cardoso

On Mar 21, 2012, at 8:44, Paul Caouette <paxnobis at> wrote:

> Who needs a. Stalk switch anyway! Three years ago, on a cross country
> drive, our 1991 20VTQA decided to fail us. I was close to
> ...Columbus??...and pulley into an Advance Auto parts store where I bought
> an array of rocker switches, some electrical wire, and some butt
> connectors. Just down the way was a Home Depot. There I purchased some 3/8
> inch plywood and some sheet metal screws. I already had the drill and bits
> in the car.
> Parked under a shady tree and three hours later ( after a return to the
> parts store to replace several blown fuses) l had a cockpit that would make
> a wannabe NASCAR drive drool. Two position rocker (green backlit) for left
> and right signals. One yellow backlit rocker each for park and drive
> lights. Of course the drive had low and high beam. A rocker for the wipers.
> Can't remember what else I had on that makeshift panel...but it worked.
> The car didn't make it back to Denver for nearly two years....and a refit
> to original.
> I kinda miss that makeshift setup. The festive glow always made it seem
> like Christmas.
> Carry on Gentlemen!
> paul from my droid
> On Mar 20, 2012 6:54 PM, "Huw Powell" <audi at> wrote:
>> They won't.
>> On 3/20/2012 6:39 PM, Radek wrote:
>>> The headlights switch in my son's 1988 90Q doesn't work anymore (despite
>>> dismantling, cleaning, etc.).  Low beam contact is intermittent and the
>>> flash function gone.  We found a 1995 90Q at the boneyard, it has the newer
>>> style stalks (rounder).  Can someone confirm if those will fit?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Radek.
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