Audi A8 full R n R, any problem areas to address?

Nicholas Miller chance9121 at
Sun Nov 4 15:58:34 PST 2012

Hey listers,  been a while.

Finally decided to admit that I need to remove and replae the trans in my
D2 A8, which likely has clutch basket failure.  Durring this downtime I am
going ahead and getting the front suspension control arm replaemeent done,
putting in bilsteins, doing the timing belt replacement, and replacing the
valve cover gaskets and crank seals both front and rear.  I also plan on a
remedy for the air con drains over the trans.  Two new o2 sensors, oil and
air filter change, spark plugs, and a few other maintenance items are up

If there is any gotcha which you guys can think of, any seals, lines,
sensors, etc. To fix related to engine and trans removal id like to know
what you think.  The front end is fully off the car at current and the
engine fully ready to be pulled, just waiting for parts and next week to
roll around.

The only other weirdness I noticed is the a8 only has one engine ground to
chassis I can find.. any thoughts on adding another?  I was going to use
the drivers head to the drivers frame rail tube where a bolt already exists
in both places.

Thanks all,


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