Sold my last Audi

Tihol Tiholov t.tiholov at
Sun Nov 4 13:30:01 PST 2012

> (And then I go and find a nice 2004 A4 Avant...

A4 Avant q 1.8T manual will most likely be my next car. If not, a sedan.

>  How bad are the 1.8T engines, what with reports of sludge and all?

My favorite engine so far.
Have it in a Y2K bug, got it with 57K km on the odo and dino juice used as
per receipts. Used synth oil every 16K km as per owner's manual and a new
oil filter every second oil change - long life filters. Now it has 184+K km
and runs fine - great balance of power and fuel economy.

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