20v Chump Car?!

David Glubrecht daveglu at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 16 22:22:05 PST 2012

  David Glubrecht

I run a lot of Chump Car races and they are VERY different from Lemons.  
They want you to show that you can buy a 10 running examples of your car for less than $500.  It is a BS system, but for the most part it works.
Still going to be your problem.  With the rarity of these and most people willing to pay over $500 for a intact engine, showing the price point will be nearly impossible without fraud.

I will buy it $501, I am close enough.

Many engines are blown in racing and what are you going to do with a car you spent a lot of money prepping and caging it when you blow it?
 This is our team http://www.facebook.com/SquirrelsOfFury?ref=ts&fref=ts
Chump Car is GREAT!!!!   It is usually very close racing and lots of action, DO IT!    But first race is going to be expensive, do you have committed teammates?  Ones that have or will put up $1000. to get going?  As others have said, first race will likely run ~$5,000.00.  Additional races can be a bit cheaper, but not much.    
It can be done for less, as some have brought a chevette and drove it to the track.  They blew an engine, and swapped it just in time to drive it home on their first race.

Best to choose something that you can get replacement engines/transmissions, etc cheap.
The last race in Spokane VW (ABA) 2.0l engines were in all 3 podium cars.  

Another option is to buy a seat on a team, usually a good deal, but do research.

I am looking for a FWD ~84 coupe shell to put all the stuff from our S1 tribute car in.  
It was wrecked beyond repair at the last race.   

> Subject: 20v Chump Car?!
> From: qforsail at yahoo.com
> Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 13:56:20 -0700
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> So this may be considered sacrilege.  I have a bone stock '91 200q that has been residing in the garage for a couple years with maddening electrical issues not at all uncommon with the type. After spending way too many hours and far too much money chasing these gremlins, I've surrendered.  The car has 250kmi, and runs, rides, and shifts nicely.
> I met my best friends cousin a little while back, and he's all agog about this chump car racing. Check out www.Chumpcar.com  It's an endurance series designed for newbies on a budget.  The car cannot have a market value over $500, and can have no performance modifications.  The nearest race is a 24 hour even in Spokane next summer.
> Over a few beers, a couple gear head buddies and have come to the conclusion that entering the 24 hour would be a fitting end to the '91.  Other than the clutch and a timing belt that's would require replacing, I think it would have a good chance of finishing.  If we had an extra set of strut assemblies, we could replace a failed wheel bearing or blown strut cartridge fairly quickly. Stripped of all the electric motors, glass, and luxury bits, it would be significantly lightened.  Last summers race was won by a Golf. My friends cousin was in the running with a 280ZX, and they routinely hit 130 mph on the straight.
> We're still discussing the budget and feasibility.  I have a welder with a tubing bender interested for the roll cage.  The rules aren't too far out of the realm of possibility.  I have no further interest in getting this 20v beast back on the road, and doubt anyone is nuts enough to buy it so I'm thinking why the hell not?
> Thoughts?
> Sent from my iPad
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