Re: 2004 A6 3.0 Quattro-automatic transmission issues (somewhat long) aamarks at
Sat Oct 20 09:23:48 PDT 2012

My 2003 A4 auto transmission was slipping. You could tell it was from low fluid because it happened when turning or when going from reverse to forward -- low fluid sloshing to one side and then not getting sucked up through the filter... Leak was drivers side drive axle. Pain to pull and replace seal. Filling the fluid is also a pain from below. Still it was less than $100 to do myself and it's fine now. 

Sent from my HTC One™ S on T-Mobile.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Tony Hoffman" <auditony at>
To: "William Magliocco" <magliocc at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Subject: 2004 A6 3.0 Quattro-automatic transmission issues (somewhat long)
Date: Fri, Oct 19, 2012 12:58 PM

The first thing I'd do is check the level, sounds like it may be low. You
will probably find his trans is leaking from the front drive axle output
seals. If so, pull and fix (and probably time for the outer boots as well).

The fluid mixing issues were in the 3-speed auto transmissions, long gone
from common new cars.


On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 11:01 AM, William Magliocco <magliocc at
> wrote:

> This morning, I was minding my own business at an "O'Really's" auto parts
> store for a couple things for my Jetta TDI.  A gentleman comes in looking
> for ATF on his 2004 A6Q.  Doesn't realize he really should be buying
> something from the Pentosin boys...which O'Really's doesn't sell (at least
> THAT store).  Seems his A/T is starting to slip and the independent
> mechanic quoted him mucho dinero to fix it.
> So the man is either going to give the car away for a tax credit or
> perhaps sell it to the enterprising middle aged man whose current ride has
> the transmission pulled anyway (clutch job on that '98 Jetta).
> I ask those "in the know" what are the weak points on the A/T on this
> luck with the A/T on that 1993 100 is that ZF made a decent
> slushbox, far better than those found on the 1986 5K Turbos (made by VW).
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