87 5kCS tranny stuck, won't come out

Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Wed Aug 6 16:51:56 PDT 2014

Pat to reply to the list just use the "Reply All" button next to the reply button on your email client. Alternately just reply to the email and CC the list. 

Also I thought of one more thing. The coolant hard pipe that goes from near the thermostat to the back of the engine bay has a bracket that spans the engine-transmission mounting surface. You'll need to move the pipe upward at the rear end a bit to get the mounting bracket (which is held on by a bellhousing bolt) above the transmission.

-Cody Forbes (mobile)

On Aug 6, 2014, at 6:03 PM, patrick gillen <pat_gillen at msn.com> wrote:

> Folks, thanks for all your suggestions by digest. I am armed with mirrors
> and will go look smore as Braille isn't finding any more bolts with two of
> us looking for hours. Also have received advice on removing the lower bell
> housing bracket attached to the engine oil pan which we will try to prove no
> more hidden bolts down low.
> I replaced a clutch in a '79 5k 20 years back and don't remember this being
> an issue.
> I haven't figured out the list yet; something has changed since using the V8
> list many years back. I see no way to reply online; am I supposed to just
> reply to all the emails and somehow the cc quattro at audifans.com updates the
> archive? I looked everywhere and don't want to bug the admin. What readme am
> I missing?
> Pat
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cody Forbes [mailto:cody at 5000tq.com] 
> Sent: August 06, 2014 11:09 AM
> To: audi at humanspeakers.com
> Cc: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: 87 5kCS tranny stuck, won't come out
> No pro-con-ten on an '87, but otherwise Huw is on. I'm betting you missed a
> bolt somewhere. 
> -Cody Forbes (mobile)
> On Aug 6, 2014, at 10:58 AM, Huw Powell <audi at humanspeakers.com> wrote:
>> I could assume the obvious, that all the bolts are really out, but I'll
> try not to.
>> First, were you following the Bentley manual step-by-step?
>> Now check:
>> the starter
>> the ProConTen cable bracket (big hunk of cast iron on top of the 
>> tranny) the driveshafts the shifter linkage clearance to the 
>> floorpan/firewall the bolt you missed
>> hope this helps
>> - Huw
>> On 8/5/2014 10:37 PM, patrick gillen wrote:
>>> I am befuddled.  All bolts are out, 2 sets of eyes looked over many
> times..
>>> Everything is disconnected, but trans will not budge.  I do recall 
>>> there are a couple of locating sleeves, but I have never seen these 
>>> seize up like this.
>>> Anybody have similar issue?  Could it be the input shaft stuck to 
>>> crank pilot bearing? Just kidding only partially here as I can't pry 
>>> bell housing away from engine a fraction of a mm. I am get ready to 
>>> cum-along it but thot I'd ask first.
>>> Patrick Gillen
>>> 503-704-9156 c
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