What Would You Do First?

Brian Pleet subscriptions at strategico.ca
Wed Jul 30 22:53:06 PDT 2014

90 Audi90Q 20V early version - replaced valve stem seals, head-on, to
address smoking issue

   - marked and fastened intake cam sprocket using plastic tie around
   timing belt and sprocket
   - noted that at #1 TDC (visual on flywheel), timing mark on crankshaft
   pulley did not match timing belt cover exactly when cam sprocket mark
   matched notch in valve cover, or vice versa
   - during disassembly, lost paint mark on internal exhaust cam to chain
   - on reassembly moved the timing belt one space from location
   fastened/marked on disassembly. Now exact match crankshaft and camshaft
   - no-start, turning over but no catching

Where would you start to diagnose?

   - aligning distributor rotor to hall sensor at TDC (some oil in the
   distributor cap?, rotor end showing wear)
   - check for spark at coil lead
   - check for fuel on plugs (new O rings on injector tips (034 kit)
   - crankshaft reference sensor
   - throttle switch
   - pull codes using blinker

Tomorrow evening is D day. What would you do first/next?



*90 90Q 20V*

*95.5 S6 *
*06 TT Roadster*

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