Uprated clutch

Peter Golledge petergolledge at gmail.com
Wed May 14 08:25:06 PDT 2014

I can second Kennedy Eng, using their uprated clutch behind a Chevy LT-1 
mated to an 016 in a 5000 body.  Has survived 8 years of Ice and Asphalt 
track abuse with a motor putting out > 400 ft/lb at 1800 RPM.

On 5/14/2014 4:56 AM, Cody Forbes wrote:
> I have a Kennedy Engineering disc for that application that I need to get rid of. I accidentally ordered the wrong one for my car and rather than pay return shipping that's 1/4 the cost of the part I prefer to sell it. It's an unsprung 6-puck type. They are a bit extreme, but I daily drove my last one for 4 years and personally don't think it's hard to use or anything. Engagement is touchy; the difference between clutched and declutched is about an inch of pedal movement. If you try to slip if too much it will chatter, but I found that after a week or two I learned how to drive with it with no chatter or anything. It held all of the power of my 5000tq on a stock 200 20vT flywheel and pressure plate until I got oil on it which is why I ordered the replacement.
> -Cody Forbes (mobile)
> On May 14, 2014, at 2:57 AM, Dag Bøsterud <dag.boesterud at little-e.com> wrote:
>> Last year I tossed out the MC2-engine in my Sports and put in an ABY-engine.
>> I now need a new clutch, since the clutch from 1990 is not up to the job of
>> the added torque(!)
>> I will effectively need the same clutch as any Audi 200 20v, and I can see
>> that Spec can sell me a Stage 3 or Stage 3+ clutch, those should be up to
>> the job when it comes to torque,
>> although I've been reading lots of negative stuff about clutches from Spec..
>> What's your advice? Should I get one from Spec, or is there any other
>> manufacturer I should purchase from?
>> Dag
>> 1990 Audi 100 Turbo Quattro Sport Exklusiv
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