CSV 5KT/200

Paul Caouette paxnobis at gmail.com
Sun Apr 19 20:07:49 PDT 2015

I believe one should never never use ether for diesel. Pressure at the combustion chamber or hot glow plugs will be detonating that stuff very very prematurely.  No joke. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 19, 2015, at 9:00 PM, Huw Powell <audi at humanspeakers.com> wrote:
> Sounds like an air leak downstream of the plate to me.
> Modern ether won't hurt your engine.  Have someone else give it a squirt while you are upwind?
> How cold are your ambient temps?
>> On 4/19/2015 8:33 PM, John Larson wrote:
>>> On 4/17/2015 7:30 PM, Huw Powell wrote:
>>> How are you so sure it's the CSV?
>>> Does it start easily when cold with a shot of ether?
>> It triggers and cycles fine, Huw, it just doesn't emit any fuel.  I can
>> lift the air flow sensor plate and the car will start.  IMO, ether is
>> for 2 strokes and diesels, I don't like what it does to 4 stroke gas
>> engines .......... I am actually one of the rare folks who can't
>> tolerate ether ... makes me stop breathing!
>> John
>> John
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