CSV 5KT/200

John Larson viejoloco at comcast.net
Mon Apr 20 19:33:47 PDT 2015

On 4/19/2015 8:07 PM, Paul Caouette wrote:
> I believe one should never never use ether for diesel. Pressure at the combustion chamber or hot glow plugs will be detonating that stuff very very prematurely.  No joke.
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Apr 19, 2015, at 9:00 PM, Huw Powell <audi at humanspeakers.com> wrote:
>> Sounds like an air leak downstream of the plate to me.
>> Modern ether won't hurt your engine.  Have someone else give it a squirt while you are upwind?
>> How cold are your ambient temps?
>>> On 4/19/2015 8:33 PM, John Larson wrote:
>>>> On 4/17/2015 7:30 PM, Huw Powell wrote:
>>>> How are you so sure it's the CSV?
>>>> Does it start easily when cold with a shot of ether?
>>> It triggers and cycles fine, Huw, it just doesn't emit any fuel.  I can
>>> lift the air flow sensor plate and the car will start.  IMO, ether is
>>> for 2 strokes and diesels, I don't like what it does to 4 stroke gas
>>> engines .......... I am actually one of the rare folks who can't
>>> tolerate ether ... makes me stop breathing!
>>> John
>>> John
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Well, the last time I used Ether to start a diesel was probably in the 
mid-'60s, so the technology may have changed.  As for the 2 stroke, it's 
REALLY hard to start a clapped out "Wacker" without it.  That's the 
brand name for a one-man soil compaction device using the moveable shaft 
as the piston ...


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