Ether & Diesels

Nicholas Miller chance9121 at
Tue Apr 21 07:53:12 PDT 2015

Not claiming I'm an expert by any means, but I've now 5 years working as a
diesel mechanic, and I can say any instance I've ran into an engine which
needs ether to start has had another underlying issue.  Most likely an easy
one, as well.  To me as a mechanic, ether is a crutch, and if a legit
diesel mechanic is using it he either gave up, or doesn't know his trade
too well.  The exception is the cold, but I don't use ether in that
situation either, its just not worth the risk.  We use block heaters,
diesel coolant/fuel warmers, and warm air blowers if its really bad.  We've
started trucks in -40 degree weather with those methods, albeit with a lot
of time some days.

When I get desperate, I usually use an air hose to the fuel tank and crack
injector lines.  However, this is on heavy equipment without evap and
breathers on the fuel tanks usually, and I use my hand to cover the filler
and get 4-5psi in the tank, not 100.

I'd love to answer diesel questions, btw, if anyone ever has any.


On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 2:12 PM, William Magliocco <magliocc at>

> I agree with Paul Caouette.  Ether is dangerous...but I will use it on a
> stubborn diesel with the glow plug power removed, fuse pulled, harness
> disconnected and so on.
> Bill M.Too many diesels in my past & a '98 Jetta TDI that is my standby
> car.
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