Adding Bluetooth to '08 TT (Concert II)

Dave dave at
Thu Aug 27 12:17:21 PDT 2015

i¹ve used these guys in the past.

¹08 rs6 avant
¹12 vw alltrack

On 28/08/15 7:00 am, Bart Oleksy <notnerdshack at> wrote:
>Finally managed to snag a TT (3.2L Quattro Coupe), and am quite happy
>with it except for the lack of integrated Bluetooth, mostly for phone
>calls.  Got used to that feature in our '07 Q7, and it's also in our
>replacement 2010 Q5.
>I believe I have the Concert II stereo, with three buttons on either
>side for radio station presets and CD changer controls.
>Would love some kind of system with little manual intervention needed,
>so adding a BT-FM modulator gizmo as the simplest/cheapest option isn't
>quite what I'm after.  Closest to the built-in system to the Q5/Q7 would
>be ideal.
>Any suggestions on 'best' ways to proceed?  Can I look for an MMI-style
>head unit to swap in, or better off with a 3rd-party head deck, or is
>there a nice, fairly seamless way to add BT to the existing factory
>Appreciate your advice - thanks!
>2010 Q5 3.2L
>2008 TT 3.2L Coupe

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