quattro Digest, Vol 136, Issue 14

Tihol Tiholov t.tiholov at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 14:30:02 PST 2015

> From: <cobram at juno.com>
> ...

> ...  These cars are viewed as maintenance
> nightmares with astronomical parts prices by anyone except the
> enthusiast.
> And, alas, the enthusiasts have moved on too.  I've got a 88 90Q with 80k
> on the clock I can't get $800 for,

It's a shame. I'd give you even $850, if I were closer. Here in the west of
Canada - BC, just north of WA state - suspicious and junk Audi's show with
higher asking prices. Not sure, if they sell. My uneducated guess would be
about $1000-1500 with flexibility in mind.

former '88 90 q owner

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