Audi 4000 Quattro still problems with windows

Huw Powell audi at
Thu May 7 21:15:20 PDT 2015

Read my description.  You're not looking for a relay, it's a circuit 
breaker (maybe).

You can also try pulling the window switch panel and disconnecting the 
switches one at a time to see if it isolates a problem window motor/circuit.

At the throttle body end of the accel. cable.  There a plastic bit with 
grooves around it and a metal clip that can be removed and put back on a 
different groove to take out the slack (they aren't threads).  If there 
is still slack take it apart and add some washers or a plastic bushing. 
  Try not to break the rusty old metal clip.

- Huw

On 5/7/2015 10:16 PM, dvanden46 at wrote:
> Well I think I located the auxillary fuse relay panel (under the dash at the driver’s knees).  I pulled out each relay and none of them shut off the windows for the first 20 seconds that they work.  So I still have no idea what is affecting the power windows or where it is.  I have a Bentley manual but I really don’t know how to read the wiring diagrams.  I do not comprehend diagrams nearly as well as I do words.    If anyone has any further advice, please let me know.
> On a separate note does anyone know how to shorten the accelerator cable on that car?
> none of them
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