Audi 4000 Quattro still problems with windows

Jan Pinkowish jpinkowish at
Fri May 8 16:48:59 PDT 2015

As Huw indicates, you are looking for the thermofuse that protects the windows and sunroof. 
It is a small rectangular silver can measuring 1/4 x 5/8 x 7/8 and is located right on top of one of the relays in the auxillary relay panel.  Gently bend aside the the plastic safety holding in the fuse and remove the fuse. 
Part number is 443 937 105.  It is a 20amp 12v fuse.  A bijillion Audi/VW cars use it, so should be available from the dealer for about $10. 
Either the fuse itself is borked and opening after 20-30 sec, or something is causing the fuse to open. 
I would first replace the fuse.  If problem not solved, then you can follow Huw's troubleshooting advice. 
BTW, the power window wiring diagrams for '87 4kq are on Bentley 97.287 -- 288.  The thermofuse is designated "S43" on pg. 287.  Pages 97.266 -- 268 give you relay layouts, list current tracks for major components, and tell you the locations of connectors and grounding points.  Too bad it doesn't mention where to find the thermofuse. 
Jan Pinkowish 
'85 4ksq 
Message: 1 
Date: Fri, 8 May 2015 02:16:00 +0000 
From: <dvanden46 at> 
Subject: Audi 4000 Quattro still problems with windows 
Well I think I located the auxillary fuse relay panel (under the dash at the driver’s knees).  I pulled out each relay and none of them shut off the windows for the first 20 seconds that they work.  So I still have no idea what is affecting the power windows or where it is.  I have a Bentley manual but I really don’t know how to read the wiring diagrams.  I do not comprehend diagrams nearly as well as I do words.    If anyone has any further advice, please let me know. 
Message: 3 
Date: Fri, 08 May 2015 00:15:20 -0400 
From: Huw Powell <audi at> 
To: quattro at 
Subject: Re: Audi 4000 Quattro still problems with windows 

Read my description.  You're not looking for a relay, it's a circuit 
breaker (maybe). 

You can also try pulling the window switch panel and disconnecting the 
switches one at a time to see if it isolates a problem window motor/circuit. 

At the throttle body end of the accel. cable.  There a plastic bit with 
grooves around it and a metal clip that can be removed and put back on a 
different groove to take out the slack (they aren't threads).  If there 
is still slack take it apart and add some washers or a plastic bushing. 
  Try not to break the rusty old metal clip. 

- Huw 

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