Brake Pad Wear Light

mboucher70 mboucher70 at
Sun May 31 20:12:06 PDT 2015

Exactly, I tried jumpering both left and right at the wheelwells but the 
light stays on.

I've since done some digging online and found that the auto-check computer 
is probably right behind the instrument cluster.  I had removed the 
instrument cluster years ago to fix the known "bobbing speedometer" problem 
(cracked solder joint).  I recall that removing the instrument cluster was a 
painful time consuming repair so looking for other places to check before 
going there.

Looking through the Bentley wiring diagrams now :-(

-----Original Message----- 
From: Kneale Brownson
Sent: Sunday, May 31, 2015 9:29 PM
To: Kent McLean
Cc: quattro at
Subject: Re: Brake Pad Wear Light

You can TRY jumpering at the connection at the wheelwells, but often the 
issue is in the wiring farther up the system. Some cars, the jumpering works 
best at the instrument cluster.

Sent from my iPhone

> On May 31, 2015, at 6:33 PM, Kent McLean <kentmclean at> wrote:
> mboucher70 wrote:
>> The Brake Pad Wear Light recently came on and stays on.  Car is an Audi 
>> 100, 1990.  The pads were changed less then 10 thousand miles ago and 
>> they look like they’ve got significant wear left.
> I haven’t seen a response, so I’ll give you a fading 10-year-old memory. 
> That light comes one when the brake pad is worn so much that it wears 
> through the wire in the pads, breaking the circuit and lighting the 
> warning light.
> If you only have 10K miles on the pads, then there is probably a break 
> within the circuit (IIRC, which goes from under the dash, to the left 
> front pad, the right front pad, and back to dash). You can try to trace 
> the wires (pick a pad and check along both wires). But, and things are 
> hazy here, those wires go back to a relay or a junction box before heading 
> to the light in the dash. You can make a jumper wire to insert into that 
> relay connector or junction box, to bypass the whole mess, ensuring a 
> continuous circuit and no warning light.
> Don’t ask me where or how to jump the connection. You should be able to 
> search the archives for that.
> Good luck.
>> Kent McLean
> ’02 VW Beetle TDI and lots of ex-Audis, including Bad Puppy
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