Need help: '91 CQ Power windows update

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Sun Jul 31 16:31:55 PDT 2016

Christopher Gharibo wrote:
> For example, if the ignition is on and engine is off the power windows only get 9V and do not work. When the ignition is turned on without starting the engine the volts go from 9V to 12V only when the fuel is priming and then go back down to 9V. 

I’m not a good electrician, but what little I know (or I think I know) about Audi switches is that the switch switches ground, which changes whether the window goes up or down.  Given that, it sounds like a bad ground somewhere, causing the 12V to find a new path to ground.  I’d clean all the grounds and connections at the switches, and put a bit of dielectric grease on the terminals. 

Nothing worse than chasing electrical gremlins. Good luck. 

Kent McLean
’02 VW Beetle TDI and lots of ex-Audis, including Bad Puppy

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