Repair VAG, some NAC

Tihol Tiholov t.tiholov at
Tue Jun 14 12:11:34 PDT 2016

> Hi, gents.
> My 1.8T Y2K bug began misfiring, while on the road. A Snap-on scanner could
> only point at cyl. 2 misfire and could not reveal manuf. proprietary codes.
> Drove home 160 km (100 Miles). Now I'm ready to investigate and most likely
> swap a new ign. coil or more and the spark plugs. Oil  is almost due for
> change, so I'll do that. Any other things to look out for after this
> situation?
> '02 A4 3.0 q threw an "Oil" image, which seemed to be a fluke. Oil was
> enough and I actually ended up overfilling it, because with this black
> round plastic dipstick I find it hard to tell the level. I use a piece of
> paper to lay the dipstick on and see the oil level. Anyone found any good
> way to tell the oil level? Thought of painting the dipstick a lighter
> color, but not sure, if a paint would last at 130 deg. C and instead get
> into the oil passages.
> Any advice muchly appreciated.
> Thanks and happy motoring,
> Tihol
> ------------------------------
> ...
> Swap coils on the Beetle with another cylinder and see if the fault
> follows.  You likely need a coil, very common issue.  Don't buy cheap
> aftermarket ones, stick to a known brand name.
> Jason
> h seemed to be a fluke. Oil was
> > enough and I actually ended up overfilling it, because with this black
> > round plastic dipstick I find it hard to tell the level. I use a piece of
> > paper to lay the dipstick on and see the oil level. Anyone found any good
> > way to tell the oil level? Thought of painting the dipstick a lighter
> > color, but not sure, if a paint would last at 130 deg. C and instead get
> > into the oil passages.
> >
> > Any advice muchly appreciated.
> > Thanks and happy motoring,
> > Tihol
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> ------------------------------
> ...
> I try to hold the dipstick between a good light source (a lamp or the sun)
> and my eye, angling the stick to get a reflection of the light off the
> oil.  Some dipssticks are harder than others.
>> Kent McLean
> ’02 VW Beetle TDI and lots of ex-Audis, including Bad Puppy

Thanks for your help, listers.
The proper VCDS tool pointed at MAF - low signal after swapping in new
spark plugs and swapping ## 2 and 3 ign. coils. The old sparkies were
mostly black and unburned fuel comes out the exhaust. Soaking now the MAF
in alcohol in a faint hope attempt, but a new 1 will be on order soon. Any
MAF brands to avoid?

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