Leaky Steering Rack

Dan DiBiase d_dibiase at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 16 09:46:52 PDT 2016

My 2004 A4 1.8tq has a leaking steering rack. It's really a drip, but some of it ends up on the exhaust, apparently, and creates a bit of smoke.... The heat shield hasbeen modified to redirect the leaks away from the exhaust for now..... My question is, is it power steering fluid that is really leaking? I have noticed that I have to top upthe power steering reservoir a couple of times a year, but haven't really noticed anything on the driveway. Is that the source of the fluid that is leaking, or is the steeringrack filled with fluid independently of the reservoir? Kind of a dumb question, but I've seen differing things on-line when researching this...

Dan D'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6Central NJ USA

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