Oil cooler lines

Kent McLean kentmclean at comcast.net
Thu Jan 19 16:58:27 PST 2017

Eric Huppert wrote:
> Advised him to take the oil cooler and lines off my 200 20v parts car, of
> course they didn't come apart gracefully.

Had a similar problem with my 10V200  (“Bad Puppy”, so named because it marked its territory by leaving oil all over creation due to the oil cooler).  I ended up with a small (2”x5”x 12” or so) oil cooler, with an adapter ending in a barb/bump to match the oil cooler’s barb/bump. It leaked profusely at a bad time when the worm clamp on one end gave way. Double clamping solved the problem. I secured it in place with some angle aluminum and flat stock bolted where I could find the space.

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Kent McLean
’02 VW Beetle TDI and lots of ex-Audis, including Bad Puppy

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