[s-cars] 1993 S4 Transmission

Peter Anderson panderso at maine.rr.com
Tue Aug 6 09:40:55 EDT 2002


I can only share what I know WRT pinion bearing failure issue.  My car is a
93 which suffered this problem a little over a year ago.  I replaced the
transmission with a European 6-speed from an S2.  The symptom exhibited was
a high pitched whine.  It grew progressively louder until it could be heard
with the windows up.  In particular, if I drove beside the center divider
or parked cars / buildings with the windows open the sound was VERY
pronounced.  This sound was present no matter which gear was selected and
its pitch varied with wheel speed - not engine speed.

Peter Anderson
93 S4 6speed

On 08/06/02 12:07 AM, "Brent Olson" <citgrp at qwest.net> wrote:

> Two questions:  Does this sound like the typical S4 transmission
> problem?  Was not the manufacturing problem solved by 1996 (or was this
> part number an inventoried transmission with the same defect)?
> Any help would be appreciated

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