[s-cars] New member

colin gans cgans at shaw.ca
Wed Aug 14 16:36:21 EDT 2002


I have been lurking on the S-car list for the past year or so hoping to
learn about the AAN/3B engines and upgrade path. My hope was to find an
donor engine for my CQ similar to what Brandon Hull has done and Jimmy
Pribble is currently undertaking.

As I searched the various sources I came across a 2.7tt with 6 speed
transmission on eBay. The package included the ECU, wiring harness, all
sensors, down pipes with cats and the car had a mere 5k miles when it
met its end. The opening bid was not much more than the asking price of
an AAN. Mine was the sole bid so I won the auction.  While I still owned
the coupe my focus shifted to an uber-wagen project. Here in Canada we
have been deprived of the S4 Avant and the S6 and A4 Avants only became
available in 2002.

Well, I never did find a suitable A6 Avant in which to transplant the
2.7 but while searching I found a 1993 S4 which I just purchased. While
it is a 93 most of you would recognize it as a 1992 with its wood trim,
trip computer, stiffer springs and rear sway bar. It is Silver over
grey, 145k kms. The car is being shipped by rail and I hope to have it
next weekend.

The car does have pinion bearing noise and I am considering the EDU
tranny as a replacement. Charlie Smith's site indicates that this is
possible but cautions against an inexperienced wrench tackling the job.
I have not heard of anyone on the S-car list actually going this route.

I am going to sell the 2.7tt and the coupe. Whether I sell the 6 speed
depends largely on the advice I receive from those more knowledgeable
than myself.

Colin Gans
Calgary, AB

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