[s-cars] Big Brakes

Robert Pastore rpastore at animalfeeds.com
Thu Aug 22 14:31:08 EDT 2002

I've been involved in several conversations both on line and off regarding
brake upgrades recently.
Most of these have centered around having custom hats made for the Porsche
993tt rotor, and trying to put together a "DIY Big-Red Kit"  using rs2
brackets and 993tt calipers (as marketed, but never delivered, by Sierra

Looking at approximate costs:

993tt Calipers         +/- $ 275 each ( + ?? freight in)
993tt rotors               $ 135 each ( + ?? freight in)
Rs2 Brackets               $ 200/pair ( 8 week wait to import)
Mintex Pads                $ 100/set
Earls Lines                $ 70/set
Porsche Vibration Damper   $ 30/set
Ate Super Blue (2 Ltrs)    $ 20
Custom Hats ????           $ 250

Total                 +/- $1,500 complete.

All these prices are from memory or past purchases or quotes, and could be
off a little.  This morning I was on the phone with Tom @ ECS, and asked
whether he would be interested in doing a brake GP.  He said "Definitely!"

ECS has a list price of $1850 for their Stage III kit.  They only include 1
ltr of Ate Blue ( you'll need 2), but also include Porsche wear sensors (
which aren't priced in above).  If there was enough interest, I think Tom
would discount $150-200, leaving a very thin margin for himself and making
building our own kit a waste of time.

So please respond to express interest.  Once I have a semi firm idea of the
number of kits we are talking about, then Tom will commit to a GP price.
Here's a link to his website.  http://www.ecstuning.com/s4s6brakekits.htm


We've had plenty of Bandwidth spent on debating 996tt vs. 993tt, Bira vs.
Movit Vs. ECS vs. you name it. It was an interesting debate the first 27
times we played it....but it is really tired now.  Please don't start
another debate.  (BTW, I already have Big Red's for both my s6's -- So
unless I convince my cheapskate brother to take out his wallet, I'm not even
"in").  If you NEED 996tt monoblocks, you can't do it here. If anyone else
on the list wants to take this and run with it, and explore other options,
and have Bira/others counteroffer, please go right ahead--it's all yours!

Best regards,

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