[s-cars] A8 Question

Russ Panneton russ at panneton.name
Thu Aug 22 21:33:45 EDT 2002

On Thu, 22 Aug 2002 13:30:34 EDT, UrS492 at aol.com wrote:

>Does anyone know why the resale value of the A8 is so poor?  I have not heard
>anything bad about these cars that should drive the resale down so far.  My
>sister is looking for a newer car and wants to spend no more than 30K.  I
>think an A8 would be great for her.  Any thoughts?   Is maintainence
>outrageous?  I know the old V8 90-94 can eat people alive for regular
>maintainence.  Is the A8 the same story?

I've never checked but I bet the insurance rates are horrendous since the car
is (mostly) all Al and few shops can handle it.

Russ Panneton                          russ at s-cars.org
Nederland, CO              "Too bad ignorance isn't painful"

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