[s-cars] re: Head Gasket update - running rich from MTM 1+?

jolly at zoomtown.com jolly at zoomtown.com
Tue Aug 27 14:27:06 EDT 2002

The good news is that the car runs fine and that smoke is gone when the engine is warm-- no blue smoke on boost suggests you are not running rich.  Given that the service guy does not think its HG (no oil in coolant, or vice versa), you might want to run some good injector cleaner (eg techron) for one tank of gas, and see if smoke gets better. Mind you, the stuff works better with many starts, rather than continuous driving. You might want to pull your plugs and give them a "read".

Injectors are fairly easy to send out for cleaning and blueprinting.  Try RCengineering.com or injectors.com when you get to that point.  How much did the dealer charge you for the service?


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