[s-cars] List camaraderie

Igor Kessel igor at s-cars.org
Tue Aug 27 18:17:00 EDT 2002

as some of you might remember I have taken my wife's A4 engine apart.
Once I disassembled the head: pulled the cams out and removed the valves
I realised that I not only need new exhaust valves, and a new intake
camshaft but I also need the Aluminium head casting as well. In short I
basically needed a used head.

Turns out this is easier said than done. After some searching I found a
1.8T head in vwvortex classifieds. In Miami of all places. So I needed
somebody I trusted to go look it up and pack and send it to me.

Jerry Beer has responded and offered his help. A week ago as a favour to
me he drove 85 miles each way(!) from his place to Ft. Lauderdale,
hooked up with the head's owner, made sure that all advertised items
were accounted for, fronted his own cash(!!!), bought the head for me,
took it to his mechanic to take a look at it and to package it properly
and sent it my way.

Thank you so much, Sir! We really are quite an amazing little group of
friends. I am proud to have friends like you, Jerry!

As of yesterday the head is at my machinist, who'll align bore one
camshaft bearing. After which I will lap all the valves and assemble the
head. Hopefully I will be able to put the little car together over the
long weekend.

Igor Kessel
two turbo quattros

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