[s-cars] S-Fest picture update

Rich Assarabowski konecc at snet.net
Tue Aug 27 20:11:06 EDT 2002


I have precisely the same problem as you, Igor, connecting names, faces and
cars.  The photo gallery and the car info you guys provided on the sign-up
sheets should help.

Darin Nederhoff kindly offered to post the S-Fest pictures on his Website
(www.s-cars.org) along with captions and text. I sent Darin a CD with the
pictures on Monday by Express Mail, he should have it Wednesday.   I picked
out 60 of the best pictures and added a few more from contributors and added
some captions.  Each individual who signed in will have their own "class
picture" shot along with the sign-up sheet info.  Joe P., you never filled
in your sign-in sheet and I don't have a shot of you next to your car!  Get
me the info and I'll find a picture of you in the collection and your car
and include you in, if you get me the info tonight.

If any of you want a high-res version of your picture (2272x1704) after you
see them  on the Web site (for printing), I can e-mail or send it on CD.
They' re pretty big (1.7 to 2.3 MB each), so if you don't have a high-speed
connection it could be slow.

-- Rich Assarabowski

>People vs. their cars. For years as I've
>been attending those events the same problem of putting together faces
>with names of all the people at the even would rise over and over again.
>Hopefully now we will have some kind of a photo gallery. Perhaps on the
>S-cars site? Darin?

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