[s-cars] Warning: Transmissions on German Ebay

Michael Hopton Michael at silicon-video.com
Wed Dec 4 16:15:49 EST 2002

A number of us in North America have been buying parts on www.ebay.de. I

have been burned only twice buying parts on ebay and both times were
items listed on ebay.de. The items were a copy of Lewandowski's sport
quattro book and an exhaust cam shaft purported to be an RS2 but with
part number ground off....

Well according to a very reliable source there are a number of
CBL transmissions that are being sold off cheap on ebay.de and possibly
in other
forums. The story goes the transmissions were used for destructive
testing by
Audi (damn, I thought they just shipped those to Canada and the US?) and

were suppose to be scrapped, they weren't and are now coming up for sale
attractive prices.

Be careful out there.....

Mike Hopton

p.s. I strongly recommend Robert Braunschweig as a contact for anyone
for a good transmission. All of his are checked by an expert (Mr Kluge).

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