[s-cars] [NAC] LAF Wochende Kino

Keith Maddock Keith.Maddock at trw.com
Sat Dec 7 11:14:10 EST 2002

OK, this ones a bucketfull of laughs.

Summary: "Gabelstapler" (Forklift) safety training video, starring Klaus the Staplerfahrer


You don't even need to know Deutsch to be rolling on the floor from this one!



Keith Maddock, TRW Automotive,  Koblenz, Germany
Slip Control Systems, Systems Design, Traction Control
+49 (0)261/ 895 2474     -    -    keith.maddock at trw.com
** In Arvidsjaur, Sweden,  02-13 December 2003 **
** Direct line: +46 960 /  57 869    Reception  x800  **

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