[s-cars] Re: temp gauge hokey pokey

Brian Dangel bdangel at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 10 10:09:06 EST 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

I share the partially working thermostat problem and was wanting to replace.  I just got a Bentley and I don't see a procedure just a diagram.  Can someone point me to the procedure?  Just peeking at the engine it did not seem like it would be that accessible to me and I was wondering what all had to be removed to get at the little devil.  Also, I have seen a lot of talk about the failing driver's bun warmer which I would also like to fix.  What is the usual cause of that one?  Procedure?
TIA, Brian 93 S4 with the cold weather blues
 "J. Khang" <jhlk99 at yahoo.com> wrote:--- Vincent_Frégeac wrote:
> Anyway, it seems your T-Stat is not completely dead
> but it's still
> opening a bit too soon.

Yes, this is what I suspected too.

> Normally, you shouldn't be
> able to see more than
> a few degree of variation on your gauge, like a bit
> below the 90C mark
> on the highway and a bit above in heavy traffic. A
> T-stat is cheap and
> replacement is fairly simple. It took me 30 min. and
> it was the first
> T-stat I changed on a 20VT. I would start there.

I ordered the parts yesterday and will change it this
weekend. Does anyone have any idea how much coolant
will come gushing out when I remove the thermostat? I
have only 1.5 litres of G11 so that makes up 3 litres
of coolant.

'96 S6

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