[s-cars] newly adopted "Extendo Thing"?

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Fri Dec 13 08:11:30 EST 2002


CONGRATS on the purchase.  A FINE choice, IMO, and whatta deal!  Perfect
color combo, your fave Alcantara (I'm beginning to wonder if you wear
Alcantara boxers over there Bill), etc.  Sweet!  That should keep the wife
MORE than happy for quite some time...

...on the OTHER hand...

<<<I'll get one of them unmentionable extendo things I think:)>>>

Er, uh, um, OK, do "whatever" you need to man.  The wife's STILL going to
know the difference though... 8-)

-Paulie I may not hit bottom but sure knock the hell out of the sides K.

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