[s-cars] Depressing Clutch Feel

Rob Pecsar rpecsar at pacbell.net
Sun Dec 15 20:52:01 EST 2002

Sure could use some BTDT:

My '92 has about 115K and it has been running flawless. The clutch
pressure has been heavy since I bought it about 2 years ago.

Yesterday, I depressed the clutch to shift and the peddle didn't want to
go down passed  about the 1/2 point. I released the peddle, tried again,
and it was fine. I thought it must be me. All other shifts were fine for
the rest of the day. But, today it happened again, only once.

Crawled around underneath and found a worn-out right-side rubber
transmission mount, but I doubt that has anything to do with my

Appreciating any words of wisdom,

Rob Pecsar
'92 S4 MTM 1+

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