[s-cars] Water Spray / Injection

Charlie Smith charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org
Sat Jul 6 13:39:04 EDT 2002

Earlier, Bruce wrote:
> I guess I'm mixing terms, using "water injection" to explain that I just
> want to use water to get the intake temps down.
> So question I'm wrestling with is do I go with water spray on the
> intercooler (safe, easy to install, but not as much of a reduction in
> temperature), or in the intake tract (more complicated install, potential
> problems that Kirby outlines).

For water spray, there's a very neat way to do it.  An outfit called
Labtronics, in Adelaide South Australia, has a microprocessor controlled
spray unit.  It's called the Autospeed / Labtronics Intelligent Intercooler
Water Spray.

It's a very well done unit that monitors ambient temperature and
intercooler temperature on the BACK of the intercooler, and knows
when you've got a load on the engine by watching the duty cycle
of an injector.  Both load and temperature sensitivity are adjustable
so it can figure when to close a relay controlling a water spray pump.
This really helps conserve whatever fluid you are using.

There's an article about it here:

It seems to me that this was around $100US by the time it was shipped here.
You can email labtron at chariot.net.au or spary at labtron.com.au for more info.

And if you are going this way, I'd highly recommend the Davtron Intercooler
Temperature Gauge.  It shows before / after / differential temperatures
via thermocouples in the intercooler.  An address is:
You will have to call and ask for the intercooler differential temperature
gauge, it's not listed on the web page.  Try (650) 369-1188 or email
to davtron at aol.com  As I recall, this was about $150 and it's not always
in stock, you may have to wait until the produce a batch.

    - Charlie

  Charlie Smith   charlie at elektro.cmhnet.org  614-471-1418
  http://www.elektro.com/~charlie      Columbus Ohio   USA
  http://www.elektro.com/~audi     photos & technical info

  95 S6 Quattro  -  24 PSI, RS2 6 speed, and other features
  96 Dodge Ram   -  30 PSI, w/Cummins turbo diesel

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