[s-cars] Loading a urs into a trailer.

Wayne Dohnal dohnal at hevanet.com
Wed Jul 10 11:16:21 EDT 2002

Based on my attempts at pushing the S4 around on level ground, I'd guess
you'd need more.  A winch would be best, but at least have somebody up front
with a rope around an anchor to keep it from rolling back down.  I can push
our Subaru Legacy around with relative ease, and the Plymouth Voyager isn't
all that much harder.  But the S4 is like a huge rock that doesn't want to
move.  And be very careful to not put any pressure at all on the tail light
lenses.  I'd rather not explain how I found this out.

Wayne Dohnal
1994 S4

>I'm hauling my avant out of the dealer tonight to do my own slutch
>repair, using my neighbors race trailer that has a 20 degree incline.
>??can 3 mannly men push 3900 lbs up the ramp?  Or do we need more?
>Bill m  - math/physics incapable:(

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