[s-cars] OBD II?

Dan Bertram DBertram at McLoughlinPromotions.Com
Wed Jul 10 18:02:00 EDT 2002

Apologies for the ignorance, but what exactly is OBD II compliant mean?
I've always wondered why they kept selling these cars up north and not in
the US.  Usually the exact opposite (i.e.. not holding my breath to see
RS6's here even if they're available in the US.

Dan '97 S6


Message: 11
From: "Varon H. Fugman" <vfugman at globaldialog.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Subject: RE: [s-cars] 1996 S6
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 13:03:48 -0500

There were 1996 and 1997 models sold in Canada.  The 1996 Canadian model
seems to be equivilent to the 1995.5 US model.  I believe the 1995.5
designation was to avoid the OBD-II requirements for 1996 models sold in the
US.  It just wouldn't have been worth it for Audi to engineer OBD-II for
such a limited production vehicle.

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