[s-cars] GP MTM 1+ report

Ed Walsh rundeep_32 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 18 06:22:41 EDT 2002

I could break out the dictionary and throw down some
of the longest adjectives available for the new
performance of my S4... but that wouldn’t be doing the
upgrade any justice...  The car is now PHAT!  I really
see how easy it is for you big-mod guys to justify
spending more and more and more!  Simply intoxicating.

A couple of comments:

- When I received the ECU from Hoppen (with cool red
MTM sticker in the box), I noticed they sent along a
plastic wrapped card.  On one side of the card, there
is a picture of the intake plumbing.  Highlighted are
the crossover/intercooler hose and the turbo/crossover
hose.  A note recommends their replacement with Samco

Q:  Is it too late to get on the Samco GP?

- On the other side of the same card, there is a
picture of the wastegate with instructions to pull off
the cap and turn down the wastegate screw by 6
revolutions. ??? I thought the list consensus was that
this was taboo?  I think I am going to do it for 2
reasons.  1) I think Hoppen/MTM wouldn’t recommend it
unless it was needed with the upgrade.  2) When I am
at max boost, the boost gauge flutters rapidly (10
cycles a second) around the 22-PSI mark.  The boost
flutter is not a sensation felt on the butt dyno, just
seen on the gauge.  My thought is the wastegate, at
its stock spring preload, can’t handle the extra PSI.

Q:  Will turning down the screw reduce/eliminate the
boost flutter?

- Finally, at MTM’s higher boost levels, the intake
track really makes a weird noise.  The steady sound
emanates from the intercooler area and sounds like a
kicked goose or a dull dentist drill.  Hard to

Q:  Is that sound from a hi-pressure only leak in the
xover/intercooler hose?  My old 92 w/MTM 1+ (with
screwed down w/g) didn’t do this.  Could a leak in the
hose account for the boost fluttering as mentioned

Thanks again to Chris for putting this all together!


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