[s-cars] bad service

David Giannandrea giannandrea at mindspring.com
Thu Jul 18 08:06:56 EDT 2002

I took my car to Michael Audi in Fresno... it has been a horror story.

I asked them ( and you listers) this question:

How does the timing belt pulley break off the keyway without spinning on the
crankshaft ?
They also indicated to me that when the key broke off of the pulley (and
disappeared) it damaged the oil pump housing such that they can no longer
get the front crank seal to seal.

Michael Audi says the car arrived that way, I say they broke it, after all,
I drove it in and it was running perfectly before they worked on it. (came
in for timing belt replacement).

Does anybody have any experience with broken key on timing belt pulleys ??

Thanks and don't laugh, it's not funny.


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