[s-cars] NE gathering... in the making...

Pollock, Thomas Thomas.Pollock at hp.com
Mon Jun 3 11:58:00 EDT 2002

Paul, I have a suggestion for this fun fest.  We need an "official sounding" name for it and QUICK !

I mentioned it to the wife over the weekend and her reply went something like,

HER: so, whats this thing again ?

ME: er, ah, its the Northeast gathering of the s-car group.

HER: whats the purpose of this gathering.

ME: Uhmmm, <fidgets a little> it's a sharing of information on our cars in a way of saving money.
<Wheew, where'd that one come from>

HER: well I don't ever remember hearing you talk about the Northeast s-car group. Are you sure this isn't just some kind of excuse for drinking beer while doing "stuff" to your car ?

ME: probably. <ok, not as quick on my feet as I thought>

HER: I'll drive. But what did you say the name of this thing is again ?

ME: I'll get back to you...

SO, if nothing else but to appease my wife, we need a catchy name for this outing. She had a couple of goodies but none appropriate for e-mail.

DISCLAIMER: My wife is actually really cool about my hobbies and is an Audi fanatic herself and I'm willing to bet I'll be the one doing the driving on the way home. Wink-wink...

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Krasusky [mailto:KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 11:35 AM
To: 's-car-list'
Subject: [s-cars] NE gathering... in the making...


OK, here's an update to the potential NE S-car gathering.  I've received
responses from the following so far indicating 'interest' (in no order):

Bob Rossato (CT)
Bruce Mendel (?)
Cecil Morris (?)
David Freed (MA?)
Jeff Posto (NH or MA, will tell area friends)
Joe Pizzimenti (NY?)
Gary Martin (CT)
Mike Platt (MA)
Thomas Pollack (MA)
Bob Pastore (NJ?)
Taka (NJ)
Rich A. (CT)

I've received verbal interest from:

Lee Levitt (MA)
Ray Tomlinson (VT)
Ed Walsh (MA) + neighbor

Not much showing thus far from the NY / PA / RI / contingency!!!  Central CT
is close!

I've got my wholesaler with his nice 95.5, and another friend down state who
would be probables.  Matt Russell, you're in CT too, hope you'd come!

Anyway, including me, if everyone above showed, that's TWENTY so far.  Not
bad!  Guess I'll start calling this the S-car Revolution.

Also, 200TQ's are very welcome (right Taka?!).  I most likely will have my
local idiot car friends there as well, which would include a neu ///M3 and a
pair 'o 500E's.  Hell, if you've got a friend with something 'cool', that's
good too.

I did a rough estimate this morning, I figure with my 110+ foot driveway and
200 foot curb frontage, I can easily fit 20 cars, and I'm sure there's room
for more so chime in!  Some have asked about spouses, sig. others, kids,
pets, lawn ornaments, blow up dolls, etc.  I'll leave that to you all to
decide.  If you want them to join us, great.  If not, which ever works best
for you and 'allows' you to go, I say.

Now the challenge is working out the date.  As I've shared with most of you,
at this point I may be leaning toward Sat. 8/24 (the pool will be a
refreshing break).  How are the collective calendars looking?  From what
some have shared so far, it seems to work (Taka, you GOTTA work on that

I'm thinking a simple BBQ:

OK, a barrel of something "honorable"
a couple of assorted salad type things I can con my wife into making
Oh, that, and cold beer.  Did I already say that?

Get them schedules coordinated, and please offer up any suggestions,
thoughts, etc. about anything.  Once we hammer out the tentative details,
I'll send out an invite to all with the necessary details, directions, etc.

Am I getting any work done?  Nope.

-Paul "hoping I didn't bite off more than I can chew in CT" Krasusky
'95 //S6 soon to blow again with Ray T's hose tonight!
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