[s-cars] HELP!! Porsche Brake Problems

Paul Friedenberg paulunm at msn.com
Sun Jun 9 20:30:47 EDT 2002

I am having a very annoying problem with my brakes, 993 carrera calipers,
S6+ slotted rotors. I had aluminum adaptor brackets, first on my 200 20v. I
had some groaning noise from the right front, thought it was a wheel
bearing. Switched the brakes to my S6, got the problem again. Fixed it
temperarily by loosening the caliper bolts, realigning the caliper and then
tightening the caliper down again. A road trip to Denver somehow made the
problem reappear, although now on both sides. I blamed this on the caliper
brackets, so I bought RS2 steel brackets. I had to use washers to make the
caliper fit right (I will come up with some spacers soon to replace the
washers BTDT??) The noise is still there although not as bad. I have heard
that fileing the leading edge of the pad can help but have yet to try it. I
do have the anti squeal pads, and Porsche pads. Any help will be
Paul Friedenberg
'95 S6

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