[s-cars] Lotus Elise, etc.

Paul Krasusky KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com
Tue Jun 11 16:27:04 EDT 2002

Indeed Frederic, I do!  My leaving-home list:

AAA card
Cell phone
American Express

As the saying goes, "don't leave home without it!"...

1/2 the fun is IF I get there.  That is, because, the OTHER 1/2 the fun is
getting home...


-----Original Message-----
From: Frederic L'Huillier [mailto:flhuillier at siebel.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 1:39 PM
To: 'Paul Krasusky'; 's-car-list'
Subject: RE: [s-cars] Lotus Elise, etc.


58 TR3 Commuter, I suppose you telecommute most of the time !!!!


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Krasusky [mailto:KrasuskyP at FirstInterBank.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 6:33 PM
To: 's-car-list'
Subject: [s-cars] Lotus Elise, etc.

OK, WHO'S "smoking the carpet" here????  (Good one by the way, Fredric...
think I'll toke a hit this evening!)

Who in their right mind would NOT want an Elise.  Stupid Americans, that's
who, so we don't get 'em.  I saw tons of them while in England, even cruised
the dealership.  Boy are they reasonable over THERE.  I'd have one in a
second, wouldn't even blink and eyeball.  What a track car.

Who said anything about using it as a commuter, anyway?  Though heck, if I
manage to commute 25 miles to work in my
about-as-safe-as-an-empty-Budweiser-can-and-no-seat-belts '58 TR3 (in
terrible need of rear shocks with a live axle & leaf springs mind you!), I
think I could 'suffer' in the Elise.  Hell, I think I'd actually feel like I
was in a vault comparatively!  I guess you get accustomed to being able to
read the mileage counters on the hubs of tandem tractor trailers while
cruising next to them.  Keeps the fact you could become tread clutter in a
matter of seconds out of mind, right?

But, reality dictates I will not have one.  Today.  Meanwhile, I'll enjoy
sucking diesel fumes from the Dodge Ram next to me, with tailpipe basically
funneled into my no-windows doors, in Hartford traffic...

'95 //S6
'58 TR3A commuter
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