[s-cars] Current Confirmation list for ECU software GP and I.A. VS MTM

Ron urs4green93 at hotmail.com
Sun Jun 16 21:21:51 EDT 2002

OK it appears that I may have missed some email and don't see what the MTM
cost is.  If some one could forward that along to me USC I would appreciate

93 urs4 m6m6

----- Original Message -----
From: "chris chambers" <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>
To: "Scar" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 8:02 AM
Subject: [s-cars] Current Confirmation list for ECU software GP and I.A. VS

Hello again!

First the head count for the group purchase stands at
9, MTM requires 12, here is my current list of GP
participants as of 6/15/2002 @ 10:45 am EST:

Matt Litteral
Don Warren
Scott Schultz
Mike Cancellier
Richard Assarabowski
Peter Anderson
Marty Herrick
Ed Walsh
Darren Jackson

If your name is not on the list and you want to be
included in the ECU upgrade group purchase please let
me know ASAP. If I missspelled your name, oh well..

         MTM vs Intended Acceleration

Ned has recently asked to throw his hat into the ring
with his stage 3 upgrade, here is his email:


I'm just about done with the '91 200 group purchase so
now I can turn my attention to the S4 owners. I'll
throw the following into the ring: Intended
Acceleration Stage III - Group Purchase Price $455.00
plus shipping Only 10 units needed


I had previously forwarded this email to the list, I
do not know much about his "upgrade" yet, except that
it DOES NOT include the 3 bar transducer.  As of now
everyone that has confirmed has expressed an interest
in the MTM upgrade, I am not changing where we do the
G.P. I am however opening it up to discussion to the
list, does anyone prefer Ned's stage 3 upgrade over
MTM's stage 1+ (which I have been told is now called
the stage 1).

I have asked Ned to provide us with the lowdown on his
upgrade, and why he feels it is better than the MTM
upgrade. I will update the list on any information Ned
decides to give me. Please do not ask me any technical
questions about either the MTM upgrade or the I.A.
upgrade. Keep the discussion on the list, it will be
up to the members of the group purchased to decide if
they want to change from MTM to IA.

I will provide more information as I receive it, if
the list prefers MTM over IA let me know and we can
finalizae the group purchase as soon as 3 more people
get on board. Otherwise if other List members know
more about these the MTM vs I.A. debate, please chime



93 Audi S4
91 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX
85 VW Scirocco 2.0 not stock :-)
73 Porsche 914 2.0 (67,000 original miles)

It's not how much you make, but how much you don't spend!

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