[s-cars] 93 S4 running weird/rough - UPDATE

cuatro quattro quattropwr at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 19 22:25:42 EDT 2002

Hi all,

First of all, I wanna thank all the kind folks that provided me with helpful

Ok, So here's the deal.  It is the PSO that's causing my running problems.
I swapped the two PSOs and the miss jumped from cyl 2 to cyl 5.

Here's the funny part...  I found that if I slightly touch the connector (4
pin one) that attaches to the bad PSO, the rough running goes away.  AHA! I
thought, bad contacts! All I have to do is maybe spray some WD40 or slight
brush the contacts with a fine wire brush.
Well, did that.. but the rought running is still there.  But then again, if
i touch the connector slightly, the miss goes away....  How bizzar..

Has this ever happened to anyone?  Any suggestions?  I really don't want to
spend big $ for a new PSO... maybe I have no choice... aiiyy

thanks much,


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