[s-cars] Ecu removal

Bob Rossato bob.rossato at att.net
Wed Jun 19 21:20:49 EDT 2002

I believe the carpets are cut through most of the way with a couple of spots
left intact.  So more than likely, your ECU has not been touched.  The
easiest way to tell would be to look at the metal cover of the ECU.  There
are metal tabs along the back side that are bent over to crimp the cover in
place.  If there are no scratch marks indicating the tabs have been bent
back then it hasn't been opened.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Peter Anderson
> Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2002 7:48 PM
> To: Scar
> Subject: [s-cars] Ecu removal
> OK, so I am home now and have taken a closer look at the passenger side
> footwell area.  Trim at door jamb (part of lower side kick panel has crack
> in it and now that I have removed the fastener to pull off the panel I see
> how it got there...hmmmm.  I tried to pull back the carpet but
> there was too
> much resistance.  Upon close inspection I noticed the carpet was
> indeed cut
> along the seam at the transmission tunnel BUT the cut does not extend all
> the way to the top edge beneath the glove box.  WTF??  I cut through the
> remaining part of the carpet and peeled it back.
> Having gotten this far I don't see how someone could have removed the ECU
> without that final carpet cut.  I removed the cover plate and removed the
> four screws securing the ECU.  Surprise #2 : it appears the original hose
> clamp is still in place.  It is the type w/o screw.  I expected a regular
> hose clamp if this had been chipped.  I don't feel like  going to the
> trouble of removing this clamp until I really have to (is there
> an easy way
> / special tool?).  Did anyone who chipped their ECU use one of these when
> they put it back in?
> Peter Anderson
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