[s-cars] NE //S Fest update 6/20 & S-CAR Nationals

Theodore Chen tedebearp at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 20 15:12:11 EDT 2002

--- Frederic L'Huillier <flhuillier at siebel.com> wrote:
> Darin,
> Really sad to read such an email. I don't understand how this is happening.
> The french have been able to have a 300 cars week end early June. How come
> the US can not do at least the same ?
> I can not imagine they are less organized  and passionnate than the
> froggies. I know it is hard when you organize an event and you put all your
> passion and soul into it. We were in the same situation for Folembray 2002:
> 30 cars registered 2 weeks before the event. 300 cars during the week end.
> Guess how was the week end for the team !!!

i think the problem is that the event is in minnesota.  the US is a
pretty big place.  driving to minnesota or new jersey is not an option
for many people.  i'd happily go if it were closer.


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