[s-cars] RS6 Vs. ????

Joseph Pizzimenti pizzoman at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 25 22:49:58 EDT 2002

I hate seeing threads get out of line like this.
Opinions are just that.  Say your respective piece and
move on.  As for the S4TT driver...maybe some
suspension work is in order?  Taka, did she have the
H&R coilovers, by any chance?  I hear those shocks
tend to blow like a cheap prom date.  :-)  I don't
mean to come across as condescending, however,
sometimes opinions are taken as harsh challenges on
this forum.

Joe, keeping the peace, Pizzo
--- TM <t44tq at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Robin,
> Your arrogant attitude and condescension has reached
> a point where I
> can't
> deal with it any more.
> You know damn well that we can't test drive an RS6
> here in the States.
> As for driving a car w/ a similar torque curve, yes,
> I have. I've not
> driven a 996 turbo, I can't afford one nor do I know
> anyone well enough
> to
> lend me one for an extended drive.
> Open minded? Simple physics dictate that you'll
> never achieve anything
> close
> to a 993/996 turbo due to the weight that the RS6
> carries.
> Lapping the Nordschliefe faster than the M5 is not
> relevant when you
> were the
> one talking about comparisons to Porsche turbos.
> If you seriously believe that a 4000lb. car can do
> as well as a 3000lb.
> car on
> the track, you have a lot to learn about road
> racing.
> I never compared my car to the RS6, nor would I,
> it's apples to oranges.
> You're seriously delusional if you think that an RS6
> has any right to be
> compared
> to a Porsche turbo.
> An RS6 may be quite an impressive sedan, but it is
> not comparable to a
> Porsche.
> You want empirical evidence? 3 weeks ago, I was at
> Pocono w/ PCA. My
> mechanic's
> wife's 270hp 951S lapped about 2s faster than
> another buddy's 420hp
> S4tt. She's
> not as good of a driver as the owner of the S4, but
> the weight and the
> chassis of
> the S4 conspire against it when at the track. Even
> w/ a 150hp advantage,
> the S4 was slower
> and the S4 is a damn fast car in that state of tune
> in a straight line.
> So don't talk to
> me like I'm clueless or that I have no background in
> what I'm talking
> about. Even the
> owner of the S4tt admitted it's a pig of a car and
> he does know what
> he's talking about.
> I'm sorry you can't accept that fact.
> You want to attack me personally, you got it, I'm
> not going to sit here
> and take it and
> not give you a piece of my mind.
> Taka
> -----Original Message-----
> From: robin.stclair at web.de
> [mailto:robin.stclair at web.de]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 11:45 PM
> To: TM
> Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] RS6 Vs. ????
> Taka
> Have you ever driven a modern car with a torque
> curve that even remotely
> approaches the RS6's? Or driven a 996 Turbo for any
> length of time?
> Saying you wouldn't buy an RS6 if you won the
> lottery tomorrow says more
> about how open minded you are on this issue, rather
> than your reasoned
> conclusion based upon valid empirical experience.
> How about test driving
> the car before reaching that conclusion? For your
> information, the RS6
> laps the Nordschleife faster than the M5, it does
> not shift in corners,
> it has a terrific suspension arrangement and really
> lets you choose
> whether to be smooth and fast or fool around like a
> hooligan. As far as
> your 'big pig' remark is concerned - go check the
> weights, you will be
> surprised how little heavier the RS6 is. And some
> big pigs are fun on
> the track, ask the Viper or Corvette drivers. For
> those who still have
> doubts, expect to see the RS6 racing in the US next
> season. You cannot
> compare your car to the RS6, it doesn't extrapolate.
> By way of
> comparison with your attitude, I recall a
> conversation David Bailey, the
> fashion photographer, had. He was asked by a
> businessman client if
> French women really were the best in the world -
> Bailey replied, "I
> wouldn't know, mate, I've only ever had two of
> them!" For those to whom
> this tale is unfamiliar, I should explain that the
> two French women in
> question were Bridgette Bardot and Catherine de
> Neuve!
> R+C
> -----Original Message-----
> From: TM [mailto:t44tq at mindspring.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, 26 June 2002 4:40 AM
> To: robin.stclair at web.de; s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] RS6 Vs. ????
> Robin,
> No offense, but no matter how much torque there is,
> I want to be able to
> shift gears myself and I don't want a torque
> converter slushbox. Even if
> I hit the lottery tomorrow I wouldn't buy an RS6.
> Comparing a big pig like the RS6 to a 993 or 996
> turbo is ridiculous.
> Maybe in straight line speed, but I'd like to see
> lap times.
> There's a big reason why I'm starting to see exactly
> what my mechanic
> has been saying all along- no matter what I do to
> the car, a big pig
> isn't going to be very satifying on the track
> compared to something like
> a '70 911 w/ a 3.2 Carrera
> motor- 2400lbs., 232hp, you do the math.
> Taka
> -----Original Message-----
> From: s-car-list-admin at audifans.com
> [mailto:s-car-list-admin at audifans.com] On Behalf Of
> Robin St.Clair
> Sent: Tuesday, June 25, 2002 8:01 PM
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: [s-cars] RS6 Vs. ????
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> Guys
> There has been some speculation about comparisons
> between the RS6 and
> other super sedans, such as the M5.
> I was even amused to see requests for magazine
> comparisons with the M5.
> On this topic I only have two observations:
>    You still believe journalists??????
>    And for those that still believe, the German
> Motoring Press is
> comparing the RS6 to Porsche Turbos. The M5 is being
> compared to the
> Jaguar S Type R.
> The torque curve of the RS6 renders a gearbox
> redundent - not required.
> Sure you can use the paddles, but why, the car does
> everyrhing you want
> without fiddling with paddles. As somebody said
> "...think Modena 360 F1,
> without the Jerks..".
> Even the brakes are pretty good, not fantastic (and
> my comparison is
> abso;ute, not relative) but pretty good. Tap them a
> couple of times and
=== message truncated ===

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