[s-cars] Free: Used Samco Michelin-Man hose

Keith Maddock Keith.Maddock at trw.com
Wed Jun 26 13:46:07 EDT 2002

I have the following available Free to anyone who needs a temporary Michelin-man hose (Xover-> IC).

1, used, "short version" Samco Michelin-Man hose, sans rings.  This hose was purchased new from ECS last year, and used on my S4.  It was replaced in the Middle of One Lap by a hose provided by Jimmy Pribble at Texas World.  Under "race" conditions, I had enough motor movement, that his hose would tend to come slide off. (I also had a clamp that wasnt clamping as tight as it should have, once this was remedied, the hose stayed tight for 2 races and 2000 miles)  However, for street driving it is 100% AOK and will get someone by who is has already blown their hose and is waiting for their "long version mit rings" Samco hose to arrive in a month or two.  There are some cracks in the "Michelin valleys" but not all the way through, probably from being "pulled" too much.  I have no reason to think the hose will not last up to  a year with up to 25 psi boost on the street.

All I ask is that the receiver reimburse me for shipping (probably $5-10 bucks UPS).

This hose was recently returned to me by the "supercharged and 6-speed converted" 740i one-lap car.  I loaned it to them after they decided to bypass their "blown blower" at Summit Point.  (the internal drive belt converted itself to mirco-fibers).  The used it, along with much duct tape, to rig up a new (non-forced-air) induction system.  (That was a pretty sweet car, if it didnt have so many problems.  Poor guy had a brand new $1k+ Fikse wheel fail on him the first day, on the highway, none-the-less, thank goodness he was close to the stop at Tire Rack in South Bend and he bought a full new set of SSR wheels for the car.  A couple days later, he blew a coolant hose at PPIR in Co Springs, which of course in true German car fashion was a dealer only part, some random BMW fan in a <100 mile old M3 convertible volunteered to drive a good distance round trip to pick up the part for him and bring it back.  After that, his supercharger took a dump and they ran the car, sucking through the dead supercharger, for a few races, thinking that someone was sending them a new drive belt, which didn't show up on 2 separate occasions/places... )

OK I'm rambling, sorry for the WOB :)


Keith Maddock, TRW Automotive, Livonia, Michigan
Slip Control Software Design, Traction Control Systems
(734) 266 - 3971   -   -   keith.maddock at trw.com

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