[s-cars] S4 badge - source and best price ?

Peter tectonic1 at mac.com
Wed Jun 26 16:31:49 EDT 2002


I bought a replacement UrS4 badge from dealer - it is aluminum.  Cost was
$38± if I recall.  HTH

Peter Anderson
93 S4 6 speed

On 6/26/02 3:11 PM, "Wayne Dohnal" <dohnal at hevanet.com> wrote:

> I'm another owner crawling out of the woodwork seeking a new front badge,
> and now I'm starting to get confused.  On the machvw.com website, they sell
> both the current S4 and urS4 badges.  Is it that only the new S4 badge is
> plastic, or is the urS4 badge also plastic?  They state "All of our badges
> are factory-issue".  I figure that means that they came from Audi and are
> the same thing you get at the dealer.  Am I figuring wrong?  (I do realize
> that they don't say which factory!)  Also, does anybody know what the price
> currently is at a USA dealer?
> Wayne Dohnal
> 1994 S4

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