[s-cars] RS6 vs M5

Frank Amoroso fjamoroso at webtv.net
Fri Jun 28 01:12:28 EDT 2002

Come now Scott, you have to compare what is currently driveable to what
is currently driveable. Trying to add what it coming down the pike to
the list is off base.

It smacks of the little league team that has lost in the playoffs... "Oh
yeah, you'll see. Wait 'till next year (until the NEW M5 is released)!"
Boo-frickin'-hoo, yer breakin my heart.

The next M5 (or next whatever for that matter, pick any forthcoming car
you want that you have read about in Autoweek) looks good on paper at
this point. The current M5 is the real deal, today.

Ferrari FX looks good too (well, actually it looks pretty ugly, perfect
mate for a Cayenne, but hte specs sound good), don't go dumpin' your
McLaren F1s just yet. Let's wait and see.

Prudence dictates that we keep our comparisons between production
vehicles, and vehicles that we can only read about seperate.

Kind of reminds me of when ESPN took a computer program / simulation and
pit the Super Packers against the Super Niners. It was fun to watch in a
senseless way, but totally useless otherwise.

FWIW, check out my write-up on the RS6. It is the lead story at

Frank at s-cars.org

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