[s-cars] Help.. problem Audi S6.URGENT!

Jan Nielsen audis8 at online.no
Sun Jun 30 01:35:50 EDT 2002

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Hey! i'va just gotten som rattling noise underneath my 1996 Audi S6 and fou=
nd out today that the propellar shaft(if thats what its called, the thingie=
 that goes from the gearbox and back to the rear differential) is kinde loo=
se, the rubber bearing or what it is on the middle of it is broken, so i ca=
n push the shaft up and down a few inches...

So if anybody have and idea what to do? i've heard that Audi onlys sells th=
e complete shaft with rubber bearing and it cost aloooot..

is there anyway to reapair this?

if anybody have info that can help me, please send me an e-mail.. it's very=

best regards

Jan Nielsen

Audis8 at online.no

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