[s-cars] S4/S6 chrome mirrors

Matt Moly urs6_20valve at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 30 22:50:03 EDT 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]

I just saw some great looking chrome mirrors fitted on a euro model S6 (the=
 pic is in the gallery at s-cars.com), and was wondering if anyone on the l=
ist knows how to get these, or how they are retro fitted. Any help would be=
 appriciated. Also, does anyone know where I can get some of the updated (m=
ore flush) looking hub caps/covers that look like they fit on the avus whee=
ls. They are shown on a blue S6 wagon with bigger looking avus wheels in th=
e gallery, great looking car by the way to whoever owns it. Thanks - Matt M=

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